Friday, November 30, 2007

What I want for Christmas...

When I was a kid, the closeness of Christmas made me wonder what present I would get from Santa. I would write letters and expect restless that my wish would become true. On the Chritmas eve my whole family would gather around the tree, which was packed with presents aroud it; tiny, smal ones, and realy huge ones. We used to have a big supper (we still do) and talked a little bit about the meaning of Christmas. Those were all great presents from Santa! Nowadays I realize I had much more than I expected: I had the same love Jesus had when he was born, a kind and caring family around me!
For this Crhistmas, I'm not going to be with my whole family for the first time, but I still have some wishes I would like Santa to grant me:
I want a nice cozy home, with lights all around;
I want snow falling outside and the lack of worry about tomorrow;
I want kids around me and the sound of gifts being unwrapped;
I want a nice, warm supper with my friends;
I want a simple and sincere prayer;
I want to feel like a kid again; I want my mom around and I want to sit on her lap;
I want an expected phone call and I want to hear my dearest ones celebrating;
I want hugs and kisses;
I want the love of God to surrond me and whisper to me "I came for your sake, so you could have the greatest Chistmas present, my abundant love."
I would not ask for more this Christmas...


Amin said...

Wow! Your blog really touched me Rebeca. I hope you get whatever you want.

We will,we will rock U!! said...

I want a white girl as an girlfriend to spend this Christmas.
I want a chirstmas tree to decorate our house.
I want a warm place for me to stay.
I want a kind person to talk to.
I want a transform on me to make me much stronger than before.
I want fetch my parents here to share everything with me
I want all my friends in China to come here accompany me during Christmas.
I want...
I want...
I want!!!

Sam said...

HOHOHO, Santa Clause will make all of your wish become true! May be one day, when you open your eyes in the morning,you can see.....WOW!!

