Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I'm a very anxious person. This has been a characteristic I've been trying to change! I want to see everything ready in my life! Concluded, done, perfect! But sometimes, I think it would be no fun if it were like that, if we didn't have challenges, or disapointments, or hope that something was going to change...It would be no fun at all. I try to convince myself that way. Try to believe that, try to enjoy each day! It's quite hard for me!
Today I feel a little low. Miss my home, my family, my friends, one specially I have learned a lot with. Sometimes I think if I have done the right choice...I believe so, but I still feel insecure now and then. This is all related to my anxiety. The fact that I wonder all the time what comes ahead... and try to control it, make the best decision based in what I know abou the future! I know that is not possible. And if it were, I know it wouldn't be good for me. Let's just see what God's will brings...


Oksana said...

I can understand you, Rebeca, very good, because sometimes I think in my life evth should be just perfect, and I left no place for mitakes, like you.
But why? It's bo-o-o-ring :)> Time will put evth on their own places, and we should have some life mistkes in order to understand that we are not perfect. As for me, the best formula is: do not think too much about past and future, but to live and try to be happy TODAY and RIGHT NOW! :}

hjm.huang said...

It is said that hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Krist v said...

Gods will bring to you the goodness if you realyy try your best !

Jack said...

I believe tomorrow will be better!~

Amin said...

It is really hard for me to write comments in your blog!!! I do not know why, but every time I visit your blog I am not able to write anything!!! I will try harder for your next entry.

Sam said...

May be we have the same feeling~~Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you gonna to get,but can taste different kinds of them in everyday life

Jason said...

Hey, l lost my password for my blog, so recreate a new one, here is my address: jasonzhou-ucalgary.blogspot.com

welcome to my blog. haha

