Thursday, December 6, 2007

Learning to depart

I was reading a book last month that really touched me. It is called "Turn my Mourning into Dancing". It is from a famous priest called Henry Nowen. The book is about the hardships we go throughout our lives, and how they can be used for us to grow and not to complain.
There is this amazing passage about death which I want to remember always and apply it in all the areas of my life.
"This (death) can discorage us, of course. It leads some to despair. But we can also discern in the very disapointments life gives us chances to reflect hopefully on our mortality. Birth, going to school, attending college, marrying, getting a firt job, and retiring all provide us with opportunities to let go of what we find familiar. They usher us into our lives 'small deaths'. They remind us that fear and love are born at the same time. Both are never entirely separated in our existence. But as we come into contact with these little deaths we meet life. They allow us to learn to let go. They prepare us to discover a life different from what we have known before.
Life is a school in which we are trained to depart."
For me, a small death from which I've been learning is leaving my country. Now, in the end of this semester, I feel I'm living another small death. I've met some amazing people, have learned a lot of English, built a whole routine. Holidays are coming, don't know how next year is going to be for me. But some changes come to help us meet life, learn from it, and get going on...


Oksana said...

Rebeca, hi!
Hope you are ok today... ?
Take care, see you tomorrow:)

MIXER said...

u should be a writer....all ur posts soudns just right? aaa can you give me just some of ur writing only for tomorrow....

Amin said...

You were absent today, studying hard, right?!? ;)

1) I do agree with your comment about marriage.

2) I do disagree with the first part of your comment about men and wemen.

3) I do agree about its second part!! ;)

Amin said...

It was great to meet you too, and of course still it is. good luck at your final.

yun said...

Hi Rebeca I know you read a lot. I think because of knowledege and indirect expriences, you look prittier. Thanks for gift. I will read bible completlely someday!!^^

Sam said...

Hey Rebeca,
I also like old ones like Beatlles but don't know much about Elvis. I usually want to find some brazilian music, but it seems hard to find that. Would you mind giving me some information?

MIXER said...

ya ya u have to come to algeria and ill be ur guide for sure...becuase im coming to brazil for sure ?
good luck for ur exams.

Hadline said...

Hi rebeca
Thank you for your nice comment. Our good grades are the result of our collaboration! So thank you.

Amin said...

hey, it is really a pity that you are not with us this semester but I am happy for its reason. be in touch :) Take care.

Hadline said...

Hey rebeca
I hope everything is going fine for you. I miss you a lot! That sucks that we only started to know each other only at the end of the last semester. Take care of you.

